zopfli | Zopfli compression algorithm for higher deflate or zlib compression. |
yarl | URL parsing and manipulation. |
XlsxWriter | Create Excel XLSX files. |
xlrd | Reading data and formatting information from older Excel files. |
webencodings | Implementation of WHATWG Encoding standard. |
ujson | Ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python. |
torchtext | Text processing datasets, data loaders, and models for PyTorch. |
tomli | TOML parser for Python. |
toml | TOML parser and encoder for Python. |
tinycss2 | Low-level CSS parser and generator. |
textract | Extract text from documents |
textblob | Provides natural language processing tools |
text-unidecode | Unicode text transliteration library |
tabula | Creates ASCII tables |
spacy | Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing in Python. |
spacy-legacy | Natural language processing library |
soupsieve | CSS selector library for BeautifulSoup |
sentencepiece | Unsupervised text tokenizer/detokenizer for neural network text generation |
regex | Alternative regular expression module to replace re. |
rarfile | RAR archive extraction. |
PyYAML | YAML parser and emitter. |
pyttsx3 | Text-to-speech conversion library. |
python-docx | Create/read/write Word files |
pyphen | Hyphenate text using Hunspell dictionaries. |
PyPDF2 | Pure Python PDF library capable of splitting, merging and transforming PDFs. |
pyparsing | Library for creating and executing simple grammars as an alternative to regex and lex/yacc. |
pylog | Implementation of logic programming based on miniKanren. |
pycparser | C parser module written in pure Python. |
prompt-toolkit | Library for building interactive command line apps |
pickleshare | Small 'shelve' like datastore for Python with concurrent access support. |
pdfrw | Read and write PDF files in pure Python with support for subsets, merging, rotating, etc. |
orjson | Fast and correct JSON serialization/deserialization library with native support for common types. |
openpyxl | Read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm files |
mistune | Markdown parser in pure Python with renderers for IPython/Jupyter Notebook. |
markdown2 | Fast and complete Markdown parser for Python. |
lxml | Pythonic XML processing library using libxml2 and libxslt. |
html5lib | HTML parser based on the WHATWG HTML specification. |
gensim | Topic Modelling in Python. |
fuzzywuzzy | Fuzzy string matching in Python. |
email-validator | Library for validating email address syntax and deliverability. |
docx2txt | python docx2txt: Describes how to install the library. |
cssselect2 | CSS selector library. |
cmudict | Access CMU Pronouncing Dictionary for pronunciation data |
charset-normalizer | Python library to detect encoding of text and normalize to Unicode. |
chardet | Universal character encoding detector. |
Brotli | Compress and decompress data with the Brotli algorithm |
beautifulsoup4 | HTML/XML parser for quick web scraping. |
idna | Implements IDNA2008 internationalized domain names in applications. |
nltk | Natural language toolkit for Python. |
zipp | Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files. |
xml-python | A library for making Python objects from XML. |
tabulate | Pretty-print tabular data in Python. |
rpds-py | Python bindings for Rust persistent data structures |
referencing | JSON reference resolution. |
rdflib | RDF library for semantic web and linked data. |
pyxlsb | Parse Excel 2007-2010 Binary Workbook (xlsb) files. |
python-dotenv | Read key-value pairs from .env file |
pyth3 | Python library for text markup and conversion between formats. |
pyshp | Reads and writes Esri Shapefiles in pure Python. |
pypandoc | Thin wrapper for pandoc document conversion tool with support for piping input strings. |
pydyf | Low-level PDF generator written in Python. |
pydot | Python interface to Graphviz for graph manipulation and visualization. |
pycryptodomex | Cryptographic library implementing ciphers, hashes and public key algorithms. |
py | Python development support library with path, ini parsing and code analysis tools. |
priority | HTTP/2 priority logic implementation for request prioritization. |
preshed | Hash table implementation optimized for pre-hashed keys. |
pooch | Manage and version control data files for Python projects. |
plotnine | Grammar of graphics style plotting library based on ggplot2 for Python. |
pdfminer.six | Extract text and layout information from PDF documents. |
pdf2image | Wrap pdftoppm and pdftocairo to convert PDF to PIL Image in Python. |
patsy | Describe statistical models in Python inspired by R formulas. |
pathy | Pathlib-like API for cloud storage buckets |
pandocfilters | Library for writing pandoc filters in Python |
olefile | Parse, read and write Microsoft OLE2 files |
odfpy | Read and write OpenDocument format files |
notebook | shim |
nbformat | Jupyter notebook format reader/writer |
mutagen | Read and write audio file metadata |
markdownify | HTML to Markdown converter. |
jsonpickle | Serializes arbitrary Python objects to JSON and deserializes back to objects. |
json5 | Implements JSON5 data format which extends JSON with comments, unquoted keys, trailing commas etc. |
h5py | Pythonic interface to the HDF5 binary data format. |
h5netcdf | Read and write netCDF files via h5py. |
fpdf | PDF document generation with Python. |
fonttools | Library to manipulate font files. |
fastjsonschema | Fastest JSON schema validator for Python. |
extract-msg | Extracts emails and attachments from Microsoft Outlook MSG files. |
et-xmlfile | Python package for dealing with Excel XML files. |
EbookLib | About EbookLib: Outlines its usage, reading, writing capabilities, license, and authors. |
ebcdic | ebcdic is a Python package adding additional EBCDIC codecs for data exchange with legacy systems. |
defusedxml | defusedxml: Aims to defuse XML bombs and other exploits, detailing various attack vectors and XML libraries. |
countryinfo | Get country info like area, population, currencies etc. |
compressed-rtf | Compressed Rich Text Format (RTF) compression worker in Python. |
cligj | Click extension for handling GeoJSON data on the command line |
camelot-py | PDF table extraction library that makes tabular data extraction easy. |
Babel | Internationalization utilities. |
asn1crypto | ASN.1 parser and serializer with definitions for private keys, public keys, certificates, CRL, OCSP, CMS, PKCS#3, PKCS#7, PKCS#8, PKCS#12, PKCS#5, X.509 and TSP. |
python-pptx | Create/read/write PowerPoint files |
pdfplumber | Extract text and tables from PDFs and provide visual debugging tools. |
xgboost | Gradient boosting library. |
torch | GPU accelerated tensor library with autograd support. |
thinc | Functional deep learning library. |
shap | A unified approach to explain the output of any machine learning model. |
mtcnn | Face detection using multi-task cascaded convolutional neural networks |
keras | Deep learning API for TensorFlow and other backends. |
jax | Autograd and XLA compiler for NumPy written in Python. |
gradio | Library for creating ML web interfaces and demos. |
torchvision | Computer vision datasets, models, and image transformations for PyTorch. |
torchaudio | Audio processing dataset and models for PyTorch. |
SpeechRecognition | Library for speech recognition with support for APIs like Google Speech Recognition |
scikit-image | Image processing in Python |
librosa | Audio and music analysis library. |
opencv-python | Wrapper package for OpenCV computer vision library |
xarray | einstats |
xarray-einstats | Statistical operations on xarray labeled arrays |
tables | Hierarchical datasets in Python. |
sympy | Symbolic mathematics library for Python. |
statsmodels | Statistical modeling and econometrics in Python. |
slicer | Slicing library that wraps tensor-like objects and provides uniform slicing via getitem |
seaborn | Statistical data visualization using Matplotlib. |
scipy | Scientific computing library for Python. |
scikit-learn | Machine learning library |
pymc3 | Bayesian statistical modeling focused on Markov chain Monte Carlo and variational inference algorithms. |
plotly | Interactive, browser-based charting library for Python. |
pandas | Data analysis and manipulation library for Python. |
opt-einsum | Optimizes contraction order for tensor operations like einsum to improve performance. |
numpy | Fundamental package for array computing in Python. |
numba | JIT compiler for Python array expressions and functions using LLVM. |
networkx | Library for graph and network analysis. |
nashpy | Game theory algorithms for 2 player games |
mpmath | Arbitrary precision floating point arithmetic |
mne | Python for exploring, visualizing and analyzing neurophysiological data. |
mizani | Scales library for graphics. |
folium | Python Data Visualization on Leaflet Maps. |
bokeh | Interactive web visualization library for Python. |
arviz | Exploratory analysis of Bayesian models |
analytics-python | Python client for Segment analytics |
wsproto | WebSocket implementation. |
werkzeug | WSGI utility library for web applications. |
websockets | Library for WebSocket clients and servers. |
websocket-client | client |
uvloop | Drop-in asyncio event loop replacement. |
uvicorn | Lightning-fast ASGI server implementation. |
typer | Build command-line interfaces using Python type hints. |
tornado | Web framework and asynchronous networking library. |
Theano-PyMC | Deep learning library |
terminado | Terminals served by Tornado websockets. |
starlette | ASGI framework/toolkit for building async web services |
requests | Elegant HTTP library in Python. |
pyzmq | Python bindings for ZeroMQ messaging library. |
pyOpenSSL | Wrapper around a subset of the OpenSSL library including SSL connections and error handling. |
PyJWT | Implementation of JSON Web Tokens for encoding and decoding compact claims between parties. |
MarkupSafe | Implements a text object that escapes characters to make strings safe for using in HTML and XML. |
Jinja2 | Templating engine for Python, with template inheritance and automatic HTML escaping. |
itsdangerous | Untrusted data serialization/deserialization library with signatures. |
IMAPClient | Easy-to-use, Pythonic IMAP client library. |
hyperframe | HTTP/2 framing layer for Python. |
hypercorn | HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and Websocket ASGI server based on Hyper libraries and inspired by Gunicorn. |
httpx | Fully featured HTTP client for Python 3. |
httptools | Python bindings for nodejs HTTP parser with no dependencies. |
httpcore | Minimal low-level HTTP client. |
hpack | HTTP/2 header encoding and decoding. |
h21 | Pure Python HTTP/1.1 protocol library. |
h2 | Pure-Python HTTP/2 protocol stack implementation. |
flask | Micro web framework powered by Werkzeug and Jinja2. |
Flask-Login | User session management module for Flask handling login, logout and session persistence. |
Flask-Cors | Flask extension for handling Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), enabling cross-origin AJAX. |
Flask-CacheBuster | Flask extension to add cache-busting query string to static asset URLs. |
fastapi | High performance web framework for building APIs with Python 3.7+. |
dnspython | DNS toolkit for Python. |
click | Create beautiful command line interfaces in Python. |
branca | Generate HTML+JS maps and visualization widgets |
bleach | HTML sanitizing and text linkification library. |
anyio | High level compatibility layer for multiple asynchronous event loop implementations. |
aiohttp | Async HTTP client/server framework for asyncio |
urllib3 | HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post support, sanity friendly, and more. |
requests-unixsocket | Allows using requests to talk HTTP via a UNIX domain socket. |
typing-extensions | Backports and prototypes for typing-related stdlib modules |
traitlets | Configuration system for Python applications. |
toolz | Functional standard library for iterators, functions, and dictionaries. |
Send2Trash | Safer file deletion by sending to the OS trash/recycle bin. |
PyWavelets | Wavelet transforms library for Python. |
Pygments | Generic syntax highlighter with over 500 language lexers and multiple output formats. |
pydantic | Data validation and settings management using Python type hints. |
pronouncing | Simple interface for the CMU Pronouncing Dictionary to get phonetic transcriptions of English words. |
prometheus-client | Client for Prometheus monitoring system |
proglog | Progress logging system for Python to build complex libraries with custom logs and progress bars. |
ipython | Enhanced interactive Python shell. |
ipython-genutils | Vestigial utilities from IPython. |
importlib-resources | Backport of importlib.resources module from Python 3.7+ standard library. |
importlib-metadata | Library to access metadata for Python packages and replace pkg_resources. |
future | Compatibility layer between Python 2 and Python 3. |
einops | einops: Provides updates, tutorials, API details, and highlights the significance of einops notation. |
cymem | Memory allocation helpers for Cython to tie memory to Python object lifetime |
click-plugins | Extension module for click to register external CLI commands via setuptools entry-points. |
attrs | Attributes without boilerplate. |
async-timeout | Timeout context manager for asyncio programs. |
anytree | Convert Python classes into tree nodes with children |
aiosignal | Manage callback registration in asyncio |
absl-py | Abseil Python Common Libraries. |
wheel | Reference implementation of the Python wheel packaging |
unattended-upgrades | Automatic security upgrades for Debian/Ubuntu |
six | Python 2 and 3 compatibility library. |
setuptools | Build and distribution tools for packaging Python projects. |
python-apt | Interface to work with Debian and Ubuntu package management. |
pip | Package installer for Python. |
distro-info | Provides information about Linux distributions. |
wordcloud | Word cloud generator. |
weasyprint | HTML/CSS to PDF generator. |
Wand | ImageMagick binding for Python. |
trimesh | Load, process, and render triangular meshes |
tifffile | Read and write image data from TIFF files. |
svgwrite | Creates SVG drawings |
svglib | Reads and converts SVG images |
SoundFile | Reads and writes sound files |
resampy | Audio sample rate conversion. |
reportlab | PDF document generation. |
qrcode | Generate QR codes in Python. |
pyzbar | Read one-dimensional barcodes and QR codes with zbar library. |
pytesseract | Optical character recognition (OCR) tool for python using Tesseract-OCR. |
pyprover | Resolution theorem prover for first-order predicate logic. |
PyMuPDF | High performance Pythonic wrapper around the MuPDF PDF toolkit for parsing, analyzing and converting PDFs. |
pydub | Manipulate audio with a simple, easy to use interface. |
pycountry | ISO country, language and currency database for Python. |
pure-eval | Safely evaluate AST nodes in Python without side effects |
pluggy | Plugin and hook calling mechanisms for Python. |
platformdirs | Provides platform-appropriate paths for application data, config, cache and log files. |
Pillow | Fork of Python Imaging Library to add image processing capabilities to Python. |
pdfkit | HTML to PDF converter that uses wkhtmltopdf. |
parso | Python parser. |
murmurhash | Bindings for MurmurHash2 hash algorithm. |
moviepy | Video editing with Python |
matplotlib-venn | Plot Venn diagrams with Matplotlib |
kerykeion | Python library for astrology and generating astrology charts. |
imgkit | HTML to image conversion using wkhtmltoimage. |
imageio | Imageio is a Python library for reading and writing various image formats, including animated images, videos, and scientific data. |
imageio-ffmpeg | FFmpeg wrapper for Python to read and write video frames using generators. |
gTTS | Python library and CLI tool to interface with Google Translate's text-to-speech API. |
graphviz | Python interface to Graphviz graph visualization library. |
ffmpy | FFmpeg command line wrapper. |
ffmpeg-python | FFmpeg wrapper for Python providing interface to FFmpeg with complex filter graphs. |
CairoSVG | SVG converter based on Cairo that can export SVG files to PDF, PS, PNG etc. |
cairocffi | CFFI-based drop-in replacement for Pycairo with support for multiple cairo backends. |
audioread | Cross-library audio decoding for Python. |
PyAudio | Bindings for PortAudio v19, allows playback and recording of audio on a variety of platforms. |
matplotlib | venn |
tzlocal | Returns tzinfo object with local timezone information. |
tenacity | Implements retry behavior with configurable stop/wait/retry |
srsly | Serialization utilities for JSON/JSONL/MessagePack/Pickle/YAML |
pytz | World timezone definitions and tools. |
python-dateutil | Extensions to Python's datetime module |
pyswisseph | Python bindings for Swiss Ephemeris astrological calculations library. |
korean-lunar-calendar | A library to convert Korean lunar calendar dates to Gregorian calendar dates. |
isodate | ISO 8601 date/time parser and formatter. |
exchange-calendars | Python library defining calendars for security exchanges with schedule methods. |
backports.zoneinfo | Backport of Python 3.9's zoneinfo module for managing timezones. |
thrift | Python bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system. |
pytest | Testing framework for Python. |
psutil | Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python. |
joblib | Provides utilities for lightweight pipelining and caching of Python functions. |
debugpy | debugpy is a debugger for Python, covering its usage, debugging scripts and modules, attaching processes, enabling debugging, and more. |
Cython | C extensions for Python. |
cffi | C Foreign Function Interface for Python. |
sortedcontainers | Fast, pure-Python implementation of sorted collections. |
snuggs | S-expressions for Numpy |
numpy-financial | Financial functions for NumPy |
numexpr | Fast numerical expression evaluator for NumPy. |
kiwisolver | Implementation of Cassowary constraint solver algorithm. |
blis | Fast BLAS-like linear algebra operations for Python and Cython |
affine | Matrices for 2D affine transformations |
Shapely | Manipulates and analyzes geometric objects in the Cartesian plane |
rasterio | Raster input/output library built on GDAL. |
pyproj | Python interface to PROJ cartographic projections library. |
geopy | Python Geocoding Toolbox. |
geopandas | Geographic pandas extensions. |
geographiclib | Library for geographic manipulations. |
Fiona | Reads, writes, and streams geospatial data across GIS formats like GeoPackage and Shapefile, including files, cloud storage, and zipped archives. |
basemap | Plotting geographic data on map projections using Matplotlib. |
basemap-data | Provides coastline, political boundary, and other geospatial data for the Basemap library. |
PyNaCl | Python binding to libsodium cryptography library supporting public-key encryption, hashing and more. |
pycryptodome | Cryptographic library for Python |
cryptography | Cryptography and SSL/TLS library. |
bcrypt | Modern password hashing library implementing Bcrypt. |
argon2-cffi | CFFI bindings for the Argon2 password hashing library. |
argon2-cffi-bindings | Low-level CFFI bindings for Argon2 password hashing library. |
certifi | Provides Mozilla's CA bundle. |
nbconvert | Converter for Jupyter notebooks |
nbclient | Executes Jupyter notebooks programmatically |
nbclassic | Jupyter classic notebook as Jupyter Server extension |
matplotlib-inline | A backend for displaying matplotlib figures inline in Jupyter notebooks and IPython. |
jupyterlab | pygments |
jupyterlab-server | Provides backend REST API handlers and utilities for JupyterLab applications. |
jupyterlab-pygments | Syntax coloring theme for Pygments HTML output, using JupyterLab CSS variables. |
jupyter-server | Backend package providing services like API handlers and web server for Jupyter web applications. |
jupyter-core | Common functionality of Jupyter projects including configuration, APIs, and traits. |
jupyter-client | Reference implementation of the Jupyter protocol and client APIs for kernels. |
ipykernel | IPython kernel for Jupyter notebooks and other interactive environments. |
fastprogress | Progress bar for Jupyter Notebook and console. |
comm | Register comm implementations for Jupyter kernel communication |
wrapt | Decorator to wrap functions and methods. |
wcwidth | Measures number of wide characters in a terminal. |
watchfiles | File watching and code reloading. |
wasabi | Formatting and printing toolkit for console output. |
tqdm | Fast, extensible progress bar for loops and CLI. |
threadpoolctl | Limit number of threads used by libraries like NumPy. |
stack-data | Extract data from stack frames/tracebacks for readable tracebacks |
sniffio | Sniffs out which async library code is running under |
semver | Simplifies comparing versions using semantic versioning |
packaging | Core utilities for Python packaging. |
nest-asyncio | Patches asyncio to allow nested event loops. |
monotonic | Monotonically increasing time utilities for Python. |
loguru | Python logging made (stupidly) simple. |
llvmlite | Lightweight LLVM python binding for writing JIT compilers. |
iniconfig | Brain-dead simple INI-file parsing. |
executing | Inspect Python code AST to get info about the current statement. |
exceptiongroup | Backport of Python 3.11 exception groups. |
entrypoints | Discover and load entry points from installed packages. |
decorator | Simplifies the usage of decorators. |
cloudpickle | Extended pickling support for Python objects. |
blinker | Fast object-to-object and broadcast signaling |
backoff | Function decoration for retrying. |
backcall | Turn any Python function into a callable object that provides safety against interruption. |
asttokens | Annotate AST trees with source text positions |
argcomplete | Bash tab completion for argparse. |
snowflake-connector-python | Connector for Snowflake data warehouse |
smart-open | Utilities for streaming large files in Python |
python-multipart | Streaming multipart parser for Python |
pyluach | Package for working with Hebrew calendar dates and holidays. |
pygraphviz | Python interface to the Graphviz graph visualization package. |
jsonschema | Use `jsonschema` to validate JSON data in Python by ensuring it adheres to predefined JSON Schemas. |
jsonschema-specifications | JSON support files like metaschemas and vocabularies from JSON Schema Specifications. |
jedi | Autocompletion, static analysis and refactoring library for Python. |
frozenlist | Immutable list implementation. |
Faker | Generate fake data for testing and populating databases. |
dill | Serialize all of Python. |
databricks-sql-connector | Python DB API 2.0 compliant connector for Databricks clusters and SQL warehouses. |
cycler | Composable style cycles. |
catalogue | Tiny Python library for adding lightweight registries of functions. |
cachetools | Module with memoizing collections and decorators like @lru_cache. |
PyGObject | Python bindings for GObject based libraries such as GTK. |
paramiko | SSH2 protocol library |
ptyprocess | Launch a subprocess in a pseudo terminal (pty) and interact with it. |
pexpect | Pexpect allows easy control of interactive console applications. |
pkgutil-resolve-name | Resolve a fully qualified name to a module or package |
oscrypto | Cryptography library that uses native OS crypto APIs instead of OpenSSL. |
notebook-shim | Jupyter Server extension providing v6 API for nbclassic |
munch | Dictionary that provides attribute style access. |
multidict | Dictionary with multiple values per key and ordered keys. |
filelock | Provides a platform independent file lock. |
dlib | dlib is a C++ library with details on compiling, example programs, the Python API, and unit tests. |
deprecat | deprecat decorator: Discusses installation, compatibility, and various uses of deprecated functions, methods, and classes. |
dbus-python | Python bindings for libdbus. |